Right, Susie’s in the same area, right nearby, and also Lawrence, and the Scaralettos have a place across the way, and Alan is there, which I know for sure, because we’ve seen each other a bunch of times, the first was right after we moved in, I think we were still in boxes, and there was a terrible storm and he sent one of his guys over to make sure that we were okay and didn’t need help with a felled tree or something, turns out that he took care of securing the power lines himself, footed the bill, I know that he wanted to watch the game but still, to do something that was as beneficial for others, well, you have to give the guy credit, and he’s always been very friendly if we were out driving and saw him walking or vice-versa, was never without a wave and a smile, sometimes he would even tilt his head like in one of his movies and whoever was in the car with us or walking with us would just crack up, yeah, he had a way of both being famous and not being famous, of both being rich and not being rich, shocking what happened to his wife, I can’t bear to watch the trial, no, I don’t believe for a second that he did it.
©2020 Ben Greenman/Stupid Ideas