Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Originally Composed December 2000 and published in McSweeneys.

by Ben Greenman


[The curtain rises on a NEWS REPORTER standing before the national electoral map.]



Over my two decades in the business

Some of my work has been just superb.

I once did a piece

On the civil war in Greece

And then there was the series on the Serbs.


This year, I thought that I’d take it easy,

Sit behind a desk election night,

Watch the exit polls

Eat a bunch of coffee rolls,

The race, they said, would probably be tight.


[The night before the election, the candidates appear before their campaigns.]



I plan to win

The country knows

What shape it’s in.



I will prevail,

If that means “win.”

I cannot fail.


[The night of the election, the news media awaits the results.]



Florida goes for Gore,

Bush’s hopes are slim,

In the Electoral score,

Things are looking grim.


Florida’s swinging back,

Our earlier pronouncement,

Has come under attack.

Please wait for an announcement.


Bush has Florida now.

He will win the race.

We cannot say just how

This egg got on our face.


Scratch that “Bush Wins” news.

Scratch this whole election.

This vaunted right to choose

Is democracy’s infection.


[The day after the election, voters across the country are confused, but nowhere more than in Florida.]



I’d rather be shot from a cannon

Than vote for that Nazi Buchanan.

I thought that I voted for Gore

But I just don’t know anymore.


[Days pass without decisive results]



An election with no President

Is like a perfume with no scent

Or a spice rack with no salt or pepper.



Hey, jackass! Don’t get too upset

I’m not done as Big Chief yet.

I’m a lame duck, buddy, not a leper!


[KATHERINE HARRIS, Florida Secretary of State, vows to get to the bottom of the election results. The media descends upon Florida to watch as recounts begin.]



Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

Yes, I have okayed

Some limited recounting.


Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

Yes, the pressure on me

Is steadily mounting.



Day one was fun.

Day two was, too.

Day three and day four were exciting for Gore.

Day five and day six smacked of dirty tricks.

Days seven and eight, we awaited our fate.

Day nine and day ten, we started over again.



Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

In the state GOP

My star is ascendant.


Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

Do you think that I look

Like a flight attendant?



Day thirteen, day thirteen.

Cigarettes and caffeine

Are the only things keeping us awake.

Day fourteen, day fourteen

That damned voting machine!

We’ve had about all we can take.



Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

I thank you all so much

For enduring this frustration.


Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

I will soon have results

To bring before the nation.


[KATHERINE HARRIS calls a meeting to announce Florida’s final tallies.]



I said that I’d be calm,

I said that I’d be cool,

I said that I’d be smooth,

I wouldn’t act the fool.


Well, I lied.

Because he’s certified!

I swear to you he’s certified!

This feeling that I have inside

Can’t be denied!

I feel like a beautiful new bride!

George W. Bush is



[The candidates react to the announcement.]



Some people pay attention in the classroom.

Others like to have a real good time.

(What’s the point of being rich and famous

If partying is treated as a crime?)

At any rate, I wasn’t much for schoolbooks.

But there’s one thing that is clear as a bell:

Parents pass along traits like height and brains.

My daddy gave me something else as well:

I am President!

I am President!

Because of that, the other guy is not!

I am President!

I am President!

I got more in the college than he got!


They say that I’m stupid and dullish and dense

But I understand things that make perfect sense.


I am President!

I am President!

Because of that the other guy is not!

I am President!

I am President!

I got more in the college than he got!


Number One.

It’s so fun.

Like father, like son!



In these kinds of environments

It’s very customary

To speak in rhyming prose or even sing.

But I fear that such a practice

Will simply blur the issue

Which is that the results mentioned by Ms. Harris include illegal votes

And do not include legal votes that were improperly rejected.

The number of such votes is more than sufficient to place in doubt

The result of this election.

Thank you.