Sunday, November 27, 2016


By Ben Greenman 

Originally Composed April 2000

Originally Published on

[The ADULT ELIAN GONZÁLEZ (Freddie Prinze, Jr.) is watching children playing soccer in a field. When a ball is kicked toward him, Elian retrieves it and begins to sing.]

Out of bounds
I know just how this soccer ball must feel
Kicked around
My own life to me sometimes seems unreal
Mi vida was loca
One day I awoke-a
To find my mother standing with a smile
Get dressed, she said
Get out of bed
We’re going to Miami for a while

[Flashback: A boat, at sea, is trapped in the middle of a storm. The young ELIAN (Jonathan Lipnicki, hair dyed black) is holding tight to his MOTHER (Jennifer Lopez).]

Mama! Mama!
Don’t fall into the sea
For if you fall
I am so small
What will become
Of me?

Don’t forget
Mi hijo
America is over there
And in America
You’ll have good food to eat
And shirts that you don’t have to share
And tennis shoes with pumps in them
That fill the soles with air!

[The boat capsizes, drowning Elian’s mother and many of the other passengers. Elian finds an inner tube and holds on for dear life. Two days later, he washes up on the shores of Miami. American relatives claim him, and he becomes the focus of an international dispute when Cuban dictator FIDEL CASTRO (Mandy Patinkin) demands his return.]

In the matter of Gonzales
Take a letter
Or should I say dictation?
It wasn’t just by accident
That I rose to lead this nation.
Don’t mess with me.
I beat Batista.
I’ll have him back here
Before Easter.
A holiday that we don’t celebrate.
I’m sure the decadent Americans
Are letting that boy stay up way too late.

[In Miami, the Cuban community, and then the entire city, erupts into divisive debate. Two elderly men, MILTON (Walter Matthau) and GEORGE (Jack Lemmon) argue the two sides of the issue.]

The truth is plain to see.
If he’s not here, he’s gone.
You left-wing fool!
You’d have him be
A Communistic pawn.

The boy should be sent home
He has a father there
You right-wing fool!
You own a comb
But not a strand of hair!

[Back in Cuba, Elian’s FATHER (Andy Garcia) laments his son’s absence.]

It’s driving me bananas
To wait here in Havana
For my boy.
I’ve lost him to the land
Of New York and the Rio Grande
Hollywood and Maine and Illinois.

Though I’m somewhat outspoken
I’m no politician.
I sit on no commission.
It would take a real magician
To fix what has been broken
It would take a David Copperfield
Or even Sigfriend and/or Roy
To make sure that my wound is healed
And bring me back my boy!

[In the wake of Congressional hearings on Elian, intensifying protests, and rumors that Elian is growing accustomed to his new life in America, his two GRANDMOTHERS, Raquel Rodriguez (Olympia Dukakis) and Mariela Quintana (Lauren Bacall), come to Washington to plead for their grandson’s return.]

He’s just a little child
What on earth does he know?
The winds of change blow wild
Look! Here comes Janet Reno!

[JANET RENO (Sigourney Weaver) meets with the two grandmothers. Congress meets with the two grandmothers. Janet Reno meets with Congress. The two grandmothers meet with Elian. Then the two grandmothers, confused, meet with each other. Finally, Elian steps into the spotlight.]

Why will no one ask me what I think?
This idiotic crisis has pushed me to the brink.

[He is joined onstage by the ADULT ELIAN, still holding the soccer ball:]

What’s that?
A voice!
What is
His choice?

Please let me express my own opinion.
When it comes to my own fate, I must have dominion.

His shiny eyes!
His ruddy cheeks!
The political football speaks!
He speaks!

I demand to be heard.
Just one lousy word.

[The curtains part to show the entire cast, including Fidel Castro, Milton, George, Janet Reno, Elian’s father, and the ghost of Elian’s mother. As they sing, the adult Elian holds the soccer ball aloft.]

The ocean is wide,
As wide as an ocean,
As wide as this little boy’s
Innermost emotions.
So go now, boy,
And kick this ball into the goal.
And know now, boy,
That the truest freedom
Is the freedom of the soul!
That’s right: the truest freedom
Is the freedom of the soul!

[The young Elian storms off, disgusted.]

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