Saturday, June 15, 2019


By Ben Greenman / @2019
From forthcoming collection of stories, as yet untitled


The people are trying to make him their king. He can tell from their eyes and the gifts that they bring. 

The people are saying his name like a prayer. He hears it whenever he’s out anywhere.

The people are worried he’s too good to rule. He lets them think that for a while; he’s cruel.


The people are working on their lawns. It’s not backbreaking work, but it’s honest work.

The people are sitting in front of the television. One program makes them laugh so hard that they almost choke.

The people are waking up later and later these days. If only they were staying in bed and doing in with their partners.

The people are taking pictures of each other. They pass the camera back and forth, laughing, sometimes crying.

The people are contesting charges on their credit cards. No one in the house subscribed to something called “Updates Incorporated.”

The people are researching symptoms, worried they might have something wrong with them. As it turns out, researching symptoms is one of the most common symptoms.

The people are coming over the hill, wearing dark sunglasses. They are sure that it makes them look cool.

The people are eating in a restaurant, ordering coffee and dessert. They’re watching their weight, so they’ll split it.

The people prefer bloviating (or coruscating) narratives that “take aim” at “society’s foibles.” They remove the quotes when they speak.


The people are hoping that he will survive. He waves to them when he goes out for a drive.

The people are lying about their intent. They stand much too close to him at each event.

The people are taking his triumph to heart. They kill him in daylight because they’re not smart.

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