You could be looking at up to a thousand dollars in monthly savings. You could be looking at up to a thousand dollars in monthly losses. You could be not looking at your monthly savings or losses, because you are sitting in the car in the parking lot of your apartment complex, listening unironically to a preacher on the radio, fretting the fringe of the jacket you wore the day you proposed, which was also the same jacket you wore on your honeymoon, which made its way to the back of the closet over the years, not because you didn’t like it but because you couldn’t get into it anymore, seemed to shrink as you grew, gaining weight through the happy years of the marriage, but then came the conflict, then the consequences of that conflict, then the conversations, an excruciating alphabetical creep, and you couldn’t sleep, and you couldn’t eat, and one day you got out the jacket to find that it fit perfectly, that it was just about the only thing that did, and you got in the car and turned out the radio and didn’t go anywhere and eventually tired of the preacher and switched over to music, soul music, tearing up at the songs that were playing and even the songs that weren't.
©2020 Ben Greenman/Stupid Ideas
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