Saturday, April 3, 2021


Why were Faye and Delores up so early Tuesday morning? Really girls! 

Why is Lisa called “Lightning”?? 

Who is Dixon Mason’s new admirer? Could it be Judith Rollo Zipton? 

Is Chris Hugo getting gray of head or is Knightsy just seeing things? 

What is the question Alice is afraid to ask Greer????? 

Who are the great surreptitious overhearers of Center Towne High?? How about this Victoria and Hermione? 

“Dollimore! Get Back!” 

Margaret really had the girls worried Saturday night. You’re a good actress, Peg! 

We hear Glenne Kessel has joined the “Rooster Prowl.” Is this true Bertie? 

It seems like Mr. Shaw is hell-bent on destruction every time he teaches his trig class, to the point where he has raised the volume on more than one student, and that a senior who will not be identified is retaliating daily by filling Old Shaw’s car gas tank with goldfish-tank water. Really kids! 

Why are Mackie and Merce studying up on their Latin and sporting shorter and shorter hemlines? Audentes fortuna iuvat.

©2020 Ben Greenman/Stupid Ideas

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