“I am overlapping worlds. I receive a daily poetry newsletter and also count among my acquaintances people in the highest levels of government. My friend, who I won’t name—I’ll say only that he’s the current boyfriend of a woman I used to date, and that my character is such that I had no objection to establishing a friendship with him, and no difficulty maintaining it—works at the music industry, where he writes songs and produces records for some of the rawest black metal bands on the planet, including Punctura, Gorgorum, Bloodscape, Killscythe, Elevatorture, Norwegian Moe, and Pagan Throne Bazaar. And his mother, one of my favorites, is an inventor who has done important work on blue-light blockers and is wickedly funny to boot. They are all in different worlds, yet they are all in my world, meaning that I am a nexus, a bridgework, a connector. Some people make the world smaller. I make it larger by being too large for it. Can I buy you a drink?” Stacey Russell stands and leaves.
©2020 Ben Greenman/Stupid Ideas
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