By Ben Greenman
from forthcoming collection, as yet untitled
An anticyclone caused in part by a subtropical ridge over the Chestnut Island Retail Strip Mall determined the weather in town throughout most of yesterday. In the north the winds were moderate to severe, variable in all directions with only occasional respite, while in the south they alternated between north and east, and were light in force. In the west they were brisk and bright, tending friendly. In the east they were proud and foolish. The corners of town enjoyed fair to fine weather, in the main, with a dusting of frost in late afternoon that was followed close behind by thin fingers of mist. The same conditions descended upon the town’s oldest resident, the retired physicist William Rowan, who said faint but loving goodbyes to his wife and children during the evening’s cold snap and expired under a full moon covered in part by clouds that can only be described as transpicuous.
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