By Ben Greenman
from forthcoming collection, as yet untitled
The term “grabbery” is used in two related but different senses in the literature. In both cases, the term refers to some form of appropriated reasoning. However, in the historically earlier sense, it refers to the use of appropriated reasoning in generating a new rationale, while in the sense employed most frequently in the last century it refers to the use of appropriated reasoning in justifying a rationale that has already been advanced, often in panic. It is the second of these two senses that Gordon P. W. Wheelock will discuss in his lecture to the Library Society, “Highway Grabbery: How the Politicians and Scientists of Our Time Shoot First and Tell You Why They Shot Later, Along With Telling You Why Shooting Was The Only Reasonable Thing To Do Given the Circumstances.” The talk will be followed by a reception. Punch and lemonade will be served, along with cookies baked by Wheelock himself, who prides himself on his innovative cookie creations and who will debut a number of new varieties, including Inverted Panda, Lemon Bear Picnic Massacre Snaps, and Chocolate Chip A La Pasta Fazool. “They sound ridiculous but taste de-liculous,” he said on the phone, noting that this is also the slogan of his cookie company, Gordo’s Best.
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